The Our Alaskan Schools Blog Celebrates Its First Year! by Sam Jordan at ASDN

Highlighting and celebrating public education in Alaska is a privilege. Over the past year, the Our Alaskan Schools blog has hosted over 50 unique education stories from across Alaska, most written by educators themselves. To celebrate our first year, here is a brief recap of our ten most viewed stories about the ‘great things happening in Alaska’s schools’.

In Chickens, Salmon, and Plants OH MY! we learned about Port Graham Middle School’s collaboration with the Port Graham Hatchery to raise baby salmon. From the Juneau Community Charter School (JCCS) we learned how they embrace the cold through their winter camp program. In The Inspiring Art of Alaska’s Schools, we stepped back and appreciated how art enlivens schools across the state. The Alaska State School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AKSDHH) inspired us with their school video ‘Success Looks Like Me!’. The Mat-Su Borough School District’s amazing Girls Who Code Camp showed us how schools are embracing computer science. Hoonah Schools brought us the story of their 29th Annual Heritage Celebration Ḵu.éex’. In our most widely read story of the year, Yakutat School District shared how students designed and created a state of art prosthetic hand for a community member. Akiak School in the Yupiit School District told the story of how they support ongoing learning of subsistence and culture activities. And in one of our favorite posts, our staff had the opportunity to interview Nick Hanson, the Eskimo Ninja, about his work supporting student identity and mental health. Finally, Hooper Bay School showed us how cooking together can provide both nourishment and healing.

There are more stories yet to tell, and we will continue to bring them to you. Thank you to everyone who reads this blog and to everyone who has contributed! Please share it with others.

And if you know of a story that should be told, let’s work together and bring it to the world. Contact me at