‘Picturing Your Future When the Internet Is Out’ by Jim Kreatschman at DOL

It was late August 2020 and I was still hopeful that things would turn around and students would be back in school. I received a call from Robert Whipple, a teacher in Hooper Bay.  He was looking for secondary transition resources for his students in special education.

Public school students who receive special education services have a ‘Transition Plan’ as part of their Individualized Education Program (IEP). The transition plan outlines goals unique to each student’s interests and strengths to ensure a smooth transition from school to college and/or training, work and community living.

Hooper Bay Village

Robert explained how his students had little to no access to the internet away from the school building.  He was only able to work with each student for 30 minutes a week on the phone and needed activities to help them focus on their own transition from school to adult life. Continue reading ‘Picturing Your Future When the Internet Is Out’ by Jim Kreatschman at DOL

‘Keeping the Focus on Secondary Transition’ by Jim Kreatschman

During these crazy times it’s hard to get what needs doing done! Even more difficult is focusing on planning for the future. Help is here.

The Alaska Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development (DEED) have partnered with the Southeast Regional Resource Center (SERRC) to build Transition Alaska.org as a virtual classroom for teachers and students to keep the focus on transition. Continue reading ‘Keeping the Focus on Secondary Transition’ by Jim Kreatschman

‘Preparing for College And Flying Drones: The Gear Up Program in LKSD’ by Sam Jordan at ASDN

The Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) initiative is one of the largest national programs focused on increasing the college and career readiness of low-income students in the U.S.

Focused on middle and high school students, GEAR UP helps empower local partnerships comprised of K-12 schools, institutions of higher education, state agencies, and community organizations to achieve three strategic goals:

  • (1) increasing the postsecondary expectations and readiness of students;
  • (2) improving high school graduation and postsecondary enrollment rates; and
  • (3) raising the knowledge of postsecondary options, preparation, and financing among students and families.

The Rural Alaska GEAR UP Partnership serves students in the state’s two largest rural school districts, Lower Kuskokwim (LKSD) and Bering Strait (BSSD) in western Alaska. The partnership is supported by the Alaska Staff Development Network (ASDN). ASDN’s founder Kelly Tonsmeire serves as the Rural Alaska GEAR UP Partnership Project Director. Continue reading ‘Preparing for College And Flying Drones: The Gear Up Program in LKSD’ by Sam Jordan at ASDN