‘How Columbia University Students’ Design of an Alaskan School is Informed by Climate, Culture & Community’ by Angelina Wu & Charitie Ropati

3D Model of the rural Alaska school building design

Senior design projects are an engineering students’ rite of passage, a chance to apply four years of classroom knowledge to a real-world project. We, as civil engineering students, could choose any type of structure in any location. While our classmates decided to focus on projects within the city of our university, Columbia University in the New York City, our group decided to turn our focus to rural Alaska.

As global climate change has worsened, thawing permafrost, and advancing waters have slowly eroded the coastline, washing away critical infrastructure and threatening homes along Alaskan rivers. This is particularly true for Newtok, a small village located on the Ningliq River in Southwest Alaska. In 2003, an agreement for managed retreat was made for townspeople to resettle by river to higher ground several miles away in Mertarvik. It wasn’t until 2019 that the first residents arrived in this new town, even though there is no functioning sewer system and part of the school has been torn down for safety concerns. As a complete greenfield development, Mertarvik requires all new infrastructure to be built, including an air landing strip, a landfill, an evacuation center, and a school. Continue reading ‘How Columbia University Students’ Design of an Alaskan School is Informed by Climate, Culture & Community’ by Angelina Wu & Charitie Ropati

‘Nurturing Tech-Savvy Minds: Fostering K-12 Computer Science Education and Professional Development in Alaska (2019-Present)’ by Cheryl Bobo

North Pole HS Computer Science Principles students teaching CS to younger students during Hour of Code week!


The rugged terrains of Alaska are not only home to natural wonders but have also become a cradle of growth for a different kind of exploration since 2019—one that empowers the youth with critical and computational thinking and digital fluency. The infusion of computer science education in K-12 settings in Alaska has not only reshaped students’ perspectives on technology but has also stimulated a movement of continuous professional development for educators. This journey from 2019 to the present showcases how Alaska is committed to equipping its students with essential skills for the digital age, careers, and holistic academic growth.

Nurturing Educators as Pioneers

In 2019, a transformative partnership between Code.org and the Alaska Staff Development Network (ASDN) marked a significant milestone in Alaska’s educational landscape. This collaboration was driven by the shared vision of enhancing K-12 computer science professional development for all students. Recognizing the importance of preparing students for a technology-driven world, Alaska Dept. of Early Childhood Education (DEED) created and approved  K-12 Computer Science Standards for our Alaska Students. Continue reading ‘Nurturing Tech-Savvy Minds: Fostering K-12 Computer Science Education and Professional Development in Alaska (2019-Present)’ by Cheryl Bobo

‘Students Prepare to Take Flight in Private Pilot Ground School Elective’ by Nicole Stellon O’Donnell

Travis Stagg, a physics teacher at West Valley High School in Fairbanks, became inspired to offer students the chance to become pilots by his own love of aviation. After taking a “discovery flight” as a gift from his wife, he went on to become a pilot and certified flight instructor himself. 

Fairbanks International Airport

During his aviation journey, he kept hearing about the need to engage more young learners in training for aviation careers. According to the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, “763,000 new pilots will be needed in the world by 2039, based on Boeing’s Pilot and Technician Outlook.” Ironically, the number of pilot certificates issued by the Federal Aviation Administration has decreased more than 60 percent since 1980.” (APOAStagg elaborates, “Report after report can be found online about the important role aviation plays in our state’s economy and that there is an increasing demand for qualified people to keep that industry healthy.”  Continue reading ‘Students Prepare to Take Flight in Private Pilot Ground School Elective’ by Nicole Stellon O’Donnell

‘Keeping the Focus on Secondary Transition’ by Jim Kreatschman

During these crazy times it’s hard to get what needs doing done! Even more difficult is focusing on planning for the future. Help is here.

The Alaska Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development (DEED) have partnered with the Southeast Regional Resource Center (SERRC) to build Transition Alaska.org as a virtual classroom for teachers and students to keep the focus on transition. Continue reading ‘Keeping the Focus on Secondary Transition’ by Jim Kreatschman