‘Making Local Jellies and Syrup’ written by Students Vanessa, Chase, Liyana and Natalie at Rampart School

The Our Alaskan Schools blog is excited to host our first-ever student blog post. This post comes to us from four middle school/high school students at Rampart School in the Yukon-Koyukuk School District.  We are excited for this opportunity to share the exciting things happening in Rampart from the perspective of these amazing student-journalists!


Continue reading ‘Making Local Jellies and Syrup’ written by Students Vanessa, Chase, Liyana and Natalie at Rampart School

‘Writing as Healing: The Day The Earth Shook’ by Jasmine Butler of Chugiak Elementary School

This past school year, twenty-one 1st and 2nd graders in Chugiak, Alaska took part in a book publishing project in a healing attempt to share their stories from the November 30th, 2018 earthquake that shook southcentral Alaska. Continue reading ‘Writing as Healing: The Day The Earth Shook’ by Jasmine Butler of Chugiak Elementary School

‘Girls Who Code Camp Gathers in Mat-Su’ by Victoria Flint, Education Technologist in the Mat-Su Borough School District

Over a hundred chatty, giggling, and VERY hungry 6th-12th grade girls gathered for a week of learning basic computer science concepts, coding, web/app/gaming design, all while developing their collaborative and leadership skills in order to positively impact their community. Continue reading ‘Girls Who Code Camp Gathers in Mat-Su’ by Victoria Flint, Education Technologist in the Mat-Su Borough School District

The ‘North Star To Nanook’ Program Promotes Early College Awareness in Fairbanks by Sam Jordan at ASDN

In the late spring, schools across Alaska celebrate high school graduation and the journey that begins as students leave public school for career or postsecondary education and adult life. For students who choose to attend college, planning often begins at a young age. Continue reading The ‘North Star To Nanook’ Program Promotes Early College Awareness in Fairbanks by Sam Jordan at ASDN